Transport for your holiday in Aarhus Region
Getting to, from and around the Aarhus Region
Frequently asked questions about transport in the Aarhus Region
These are often the same questions you face when visiting an unfamiliar area as a visitor. What is the best way to get around the area? Where do I buy my ticket? Which ticket is right for my visit, etc. Take a look below and find answers to some of them.
Can I travel by train, bus, plane or ferry to the Aarhus Region?
Yes, the infrastructure to Aarhus is very good, and there are many good train and bus connections, two airports close by, a ferry with departures from Zealand, and Aarhus is right next to the E45 motorway.
DSB runs several trains every hour between Copenhagen and Aalborg with stops in Aarhus, and trains from international cities such as Hamburg, Berlin and Munich also have daily departures to Aarhus.
By bus
Flixbus has departures between Copenhagen and Aarhus, Viborg, Silkeborg and Randers, as well as trips to and from Hamburg, Berlin, Paris, Milan, Vienna and many other cities across Europe.
See stops and departures here.
The Kombardo bus
The Kombardo bus runs between many of the Danish cities, and in the Aarhus Region these are Aarhus, Randers, Viborg and Silkeborg. So if you're travelling from Herning in the west, Copenhagen in the east or Aalborg in the north, there are always good bus connections.
See stops and departures here.
Aarhus has two airports close by: Aarhus Airport and Billund Airport, both of which are airports that are closely linked to both Aarhus and the entire Aarhus Region.
Airport shuttle bus to Aarhus Airport - Airport shuttle bus to Billund Airport
Ferry services
The ferry Molslinjen sails several times a day between Zealand and Aarhus, and here you can choose to drive your own car or take the Kombardo bus or Flix bus directly between Copenhagen and Aarhus.
In the summer, Molslinjen also sails between Odden and Ebeltoft.
Read more about Molslinjen here.
By car
Aarhus is close to the E45 motorway, which stretches from north to south along the coast of East Jutland and is an extension of the A7 motorway in Germany. The entire stretch of motorway is part of the European route E45 from southern Italy to northern Sweden.
From the west comes Primary Route 15, which covers Herning Motorway, Silkeborg Motorway, and crosses Aarhus where it continues into Djurslandsmotorvejen to the east.
Can I go by train from Aarhus to e.g. Randers and Viborg?
Yes, you can travel with DSB (Danish State Railways) and train operator GoCollective between several stations in the Aarhus Region.
DSB runs between Aarhus, Favrskov and Randers on the national route between Copenhagen and Aalborg.
GoCollective operates between Aarhus and Silkeborg (Route: Aarhus - Herning - Struer) and between Aarhus, Favrskov and Viborg (Route: Aarhus Langå Struer)
Is there an overview of all public transport in Denmark?
Yes - in Journey Planer 'Rejseplanen' you can find times and departures for bus, train, light rail and metro, and you can customise your search to see if you can bring your bike or pram, search by accessibility and much more.
How much is a train ticket from Copenhagen to Aarhus?
The price of a train ticket from Copenhagen to Aarhus varies greatly depending on when you travel, when you book your train ticket and whether you want to travel 1st or 2nd class. For example, if you book an orange ticket, you may be lucky to get it from DKK 99, but otherwise prices are around DKK 300 - 500.
Can I take my dog, bike and pram on the bus?
Yes, you can bring small dogs, cats and other animals on all buses and Light Rail without payment if they are placed in a handbag or similar on your lap and if they remain in the bag for the entire journey. You can also bring your bicycle and pram on the bus if there is room.
Is there a bus ticket for tourists?
Yes, as a tourist you can buy a Day Ticket to Aarhus, and if you want to travel further around the region, you can also buy a Day Ticket for the entire Aarhus Region, which even covers the entire Central Denmark Region.
However, there are many other ways to easily and conveniently get around Aarhus and the entire Aarhus Region.
Where and when does the Light Rail run?
The light rail runs in Aarhus city centre and to Grenaa in Djursland.
The light railway ‘L1’ runs between Aarhus H and Grenaa with stops in Lystrup and Ryomgård, among others.
The ‘L2’ light railway runs between Odder and Lisbjergskolen. On the line there are stations at Aarhus Central Station, DOKK1 and Aarhus University Hospital in Skejby. You can get an overview of the entire route and see all the light rail stations on Midttrafik's website.
Where and when do buses run in the Aarhus Region?
City buses (the yellow buses)
The city buses run in Aarhus, Grenaa, Randers, Silkeborg and Viborg.
Regional and local buses (the blue buses)
You can travel with the regional and local buses (the blue buses) across the entire Aarhus Region and throughout the Central Denmark Region.
Can I buy my bus ticket from the driver on the bus?
On the city buses in Aarhus and Aarhus Letbane, you must have purchased your ticket in advance. Here you cannot buy a ticket once you have boarded.
But you can buy your ticket from the driver in Midttrafik's blue buses. However, it will always be an advantage to have the ticket in place in advance, either via apps or by purchasing from Midttrafik's webshop.
See more here (danish).
Can I see where my bus or train is right now?
Yes, you can follow both buses and trains live. You can follow buses and Light Rail on the Midttrafik live app and trains on the My train app: See stops, tracks and also if the bus or train is delayed.
Download My train - Google Play - App Store
If you're travelling by car, you should always consider where you can park - especially when visiting the cities. Many hotels and accommodations have dedicated parking spaces for their guests, but if you're travelling around the region, it's good to know about the many car parks and parking garages around the cities.
Frequently asked questions about parking in the Aarhus Region
Get answers below or use the chat in the bottom left corner. The chat provides quick answers based on information from our website.
Where can I park?
Here you will find an overview of where to park in Aarhus.
Where can I park for free?
When you get to Aarhus it is useful to know where you can park without getting a fine. Get an overview here.
Where can I park my bus or motorhome?
Are you driving to Aarhus in a bus or motorhome? Then it could be nice to know, where you can park.
Have you received a parking ticket?
You can file a complaint about a parking fine with the authority that issued the fine. It could be the municipality, the private parking company, or the police. If you want to complain about a parking ticket issued by the police, it must be done with the police.
Where can I park in Viborg?
See all the public parking in Viborg right here.
Where can I park in Silkeborg?
See all the public parking in Silkeborg and Skanderborg here: Parking in Silkeborg
Where can I park my car in Randers?
Help for planning your holiday
Below you can also find great tips for accommodation options, accessibility input, suggestions for eco-friendly holiday choices and many more tips under Plan your trip.