The Star Route through Randers
The Star Route through Randers is a magical journey through the heart of the city, connecting visitors with unique cultural gems. Follow this fascinating route and experience Randers' cultural treasures, ranging from art and historical museums to vibrant libraries and charming streets.
Randers is almost 1000 years old, and there are over 1000 good stories to tell about the city. On the Star Route you get the stories behind 15 places in the city - the new, the old and the very old.
You can learn more about Niels Ebbesen's rebellion against Den Kullede Greve from Holstein, the large horse markets, the many monasteries and castles that once stood right here in the city center, and much more.
Follow the Star Route
The route is 2.5 km long and very handicap friendly. There is no fixed starting or ending point.
Rådhustorvet and Niels Ebbesen - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
The beautiful white building is the old city hall, which was built in 1778. It has not always been where it is today. In 1930 it was decided to move it 3 meters, because the road next to it had to be ...
Østervold og Den Jyske Hingst - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
Den Jyske Hingst (The Jutlandic Stallion) in Randers was created by Helen Schou, and it was put up in 1969 as a reminder of the famous horse markets, and the impressive work with breeding the jutlandi...
Underværket and Jens Otto Krags Plads - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
Underværket is an untraditional market and culture house, which was founded in 2000. It has a lively environment, where people are able to meet across ethnic backgrounds. Both artists, traders and dif...
The House of Culture - A stop on the Star Route in Randers
Kulturhuset holds the main library of the neighbourhood of Randers in the ground floor, the Museum of Culture History on the first floor and the Art Gallery of Randers on the second floor. The buildin...
Slotspladsen - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
In medieval times, there was a convent on Slotspladsen (the Castle Square). In 1535, the convent was given to the crown after the reformation. The king, Christian the Third transformed it into Dronnin...
Brødregade and Randers Handsker - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
In this cosy pedestrian street you will experience a mixture of old and new. It was here the glove factory Randers Handsker started, which is a Purveyor to the Danish Court and North Europe’s only glo...
Niels Ebbesens House - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
The house was build by merchant and councilman Jens Jensen. It is the largest preserved lumbered house in Randers and was build in 1643.
The Craftmanship Museum - A stop on the Star Route in Randers
The Craftmanship Museum Håndværksmuseet in Randers is placed at the alcohol factory's old warehouse. The museum exhibits more than 20 craftsmen workshops, which are shown by craftsmen themselves who w...
Laksetorvet - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
Die Gudenå (Gudenåen) hat für Randers immer eine große Bedeutung gehabt. Die Stadt entstand bereits in der Wikingerzeit an der Stelle, wo die Gudenå in den Randers Fjord mündet - genau dort, wo sich h...
Randers Regnskov and Vorup Enge - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
In Randers Regnskov and Vorup Enge, you can experience more than 450 plant species, 200 animal species, and 3 continents all in one place. Inside the rainforest's three large domes, you'll have a trop...
Randers Convent - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
In medieval times, Randers was known for the many convents. However, they were demolished when the king decided to turn the Danes into Protestants instead of Catholics. However, with this happening, t...
Sct. Morten's Church - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
Sct. Morten's Church is the oldest church in Randers and the only one among the city's five medieval churches that still stands. The current church is 500 years old, but there has been a church at the...
Torvegade - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
Randers was long known for its large horse markets, symbolized by the statue of "The Jutlandic Stallion" located on Østervold. Torvegade hosted the biggest markets, where up to 2000 horses could be pr...
Helligåndshuset - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
The construction of Helligåndshuset (the Holy Spirit's house) in Randers was started c. 1434 as a convent for the Helligåndordenen (the Holy Spirit's Order) where Sct. Mortens Church was the functioni...
Houmeden - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
Did you know that Denmark's oldest pedestrian street is Houmeden in the middle of Randers? Houmeden was closed permanently to car traffic in the summer of 1963. It was not until 1964 that Copenhagen’s...
Art walks in Randers - might also be interesting for you
Randers is full of art in public spaces, both in the city and in the surrounding area! Take a culture walk and discover fascinating sculptures and works of art along the way.