Randers Convent - A stop on the Star Route through Randers
In medieval times, Randers was known for the many convents. However, they were demolished when the king decided to turn the Danes into Protestants instead of Catholics. However, with this happening, there were no longer anybody to take care of the sick and old people.
From Hospital to "Monastery"
The current buildings are only 150 years old, but their purpose today remains the same as always - to take care of the elderly and weak with senior housing and nursing centers. The inscription above the door reads "What is sown in love will be harvested in joy."
Right next to Randers Kloster (Randers Monastery), you will find Randers Klosterkirke (Randers Monastery Church) and its cemetery - which also never belonged to a real monastery but instead to the old hospital. To add to the confusion, Randers Kloster has also given its name to Hospitalsgade (Hospital Street), which the Stjerneruten (Star Route) follows.
Near Randers Kloster, there is a street called Kereveder, which is perhaps the strangest street name in Randers. It is believed that the name is a Danish adaptation of the German expression "kehr um wieder," meaning "turn around again," as the street was originally a dead end.