Viborg Domkirke indefra

See and do in Viborg

Photo: Frame & Work

Viborg is a city full of experiences in beautiful surroundings, where the history and culture runs deep. 

Like a Local

Where do the locals in Viborg go to experience their town and where do they bring their visiting family and friends? Find tips to experiences Viborg like a local here.

Rikke Johansen, lokal guide i Viborg

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Photo: Tania Nørgaard

Activities in nature

Eat, drink and enjoy

Find your way around Viborg

Viborg by

Get to know Viborg

- the historic city by the Hærvejen

The world largest limestone mines, Mønsted Kalkgruber, by Viborg

Top attractions

Mønsted Limestone mines, The Energy Museum, The World Map, Viborg Cathedral ...

The rolling Dollerup Hills near Viborg

Historical landscapes

Explore the rolling hills, deep lakes and ancient trails.

Tourist information

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