The Cathedral Quarter – Viborg’s historical town centre
The quarter surrounding the town’s cathedral is considered to be the heart of Viborg and in fact, of all of Denmark.
A significant cornerstone in Danish history
Being one of Denmark’s oldest towns and the nation’s former capital, as well, Viborg has been a centre of force, a gathering point, and a clerical stronghold for more than a thousand years.
Therefore, the history of Viborg’s historical town centre, the cathedral quarter, plays a significant part when it comes to Danish national history and the understanding of the emergence of the Denmark we know today.
Viborg’s cathedral is situated in the heart of the cathedral quarter. The cathedral towers 42 metres over town and it is the world’s largest granite church. Next to the cathedral, you will find yourself at Stænderpladsen where at least 37 Danish kings have been crowned over the centuries.
In the neighbouring, old town hall from 1728, you will find Skovgaard Museet. The museum holds works by the artist-family by the name of Skovgaard, one of which was Joakim Skovgaard, who created the cathedral’s beautiful paintings.
The Latin Garden
Near the cathedral, you will find Latinerhaven (The Latin Garden) – Viborg’s oldest garden. The Latin Garden dates back to 1726 and was once a part of the official residence for the headmaster of Viborg Latinskole. In the garden, you can sit at one of the garden’s many benches and enjoy the lovely smell of the many wonderful flowers and herbs as well as the buzz of the bees.
In the cathedral quarter, Viborg Museum is in the process of creating a brand new local museum. Until this work has been completed, the museum has no permanent exhibits, but they do provide guided town walks, murder-mystery hunts, and various other family-friendly activities in this historical town.