Angling in Streams, Rivers and Inlets
Randers inlet can rightly be considered to be the delta of the Gudenåen stream, which is the place where freshwater from Denmark’s longest stream meets the salt water in the Kattegat sea. The inlet is a great spot for catching herring.
Outdoor Activities for the Entire Family
If you are in the mood for an active day for you and your family, where you all get to be active and no one has to just stand by and watch from the sidelines, then Kyst- & Fjordcentret is the obvious choice for small as well as large family groups. Here, you can rent a boat and go fishing in Randers inlet.
Fjordcentret at Randers Fjord
Viborg and the surrounding area is practically covered in water, and here, the countless streams are the main attractions when it comes to fishing. We particularly recommend the stream of Karup Å, renowned for being one of the world’s best waters for trout fishing, not to mention the fact that the largest sea trout caught in Denmark is usually caught in this stream each year.
The stream of Simested Å is one of Denmark’s best sea trout creeks, which is also famed for its stocks of exceptionally large, self-reproducing sea trout. The width of the winding stream is anywhere from 3-8 metres with deep holes along the way, the current is moderate to semi-strong and the water is extremely clean.