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Ringelmose Forest
The holy well
The water table beneath the beech is placid, but from it springs the Tobiæ well. Tradition had it that water from the well could cure eye diseases. From medieval times, people travelled to the holy well on Walpurgis night: the only night the water had a healing effect.
The livestock route
Ringelmose Skov extends from the manor of Kalø down to the coast. The livestock from the manor would have to walk this way to reach the coastal meadows for pasture. They were herded via Fægyden passage, the tall embankments of which prevented the cattle from running off into the woods.
Memorial Stone
See the artificial Ringelmose Dam (pond) and the memorial stone to the last of the Jenisch family at Kalø.
"Nationalpark Mols Bjerge"
See the forest Ringelmose Skov on a map.