Restaurant Malling Kro (Inn)
The charming inn Malling Kro is only about 12 km south of Aarhus in a quiet, charming village, close to woods and beaches. If you want to spend the night, the inn has eight newly renovated double rooms to choose from.
Gastronomy and exquisite wine
The inn has a restaurant with a wonderful ambience, combining tradition with modernity. Here you can enjoy an exquisite dinner and choose from one of Denmark's largest wine collections.
Enclosed back garden
Weather permitting, guests may also be served in the inn's charming back garden.
Easy to get there and back
The local train 'Letbanen' service is right outside, and there are excellent bus links within easy walking distance in the main street. In addition Moesgaard Museum and the Vilhelmsborg manor attractions are located close by if you are planning a prolonged stay at the inn.