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Randers Kunstmuseum

Randers Kunstmuseum is filled with exciting art experiences for everyone. The museum contains a large number of works by some of the major figures of Danish art over the last 200 years. The unique art collection totals 4.000 art works.

The atmosphere at Randers Art Museum is more about lively discussion than devout silence. That's why you'll find plenty of activities, events and offers that invite children and adults to encounter art. Preferably in ways you didn't expect.

Exciting art experiences

Some 19th century artists such as L. A. Ring, Theodor Philipsen and Vilhelm Hammershøj stand out in particular. The same goes for important names in 20th century art, including Vilhelm Lundstrøm, Sven Dalsgaard, Wilhelm Freddie, Asger Jorn and Tróndur Patursson.

Sven Dalsgaard, who was born and lived in Randers throughout his life, is represented with over 1,000 works alone. You can also experience the fantastic mirror and glass installation ‘The Cosmic Space’ by artist Tróndur Patursson.

Activities and events

Randers Art Museum regularly organises activities for children - see the calendar here. You can also stop by Randers Art Museum's Café and shop, where you can enjoy delicious lunch dishes, bread and cakes in cosy and peaceful surroundings.

Plan your visit

You always have free admission to the museum's own collection of Danish art from 1800 to the present day.

There is always free admission for children and young people under the age of 18.

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