Port of Randers
Randers Harbour stands as Denmark's only river port, and it is not only an important part of the city's structure, but also its largest workplace with direct connections to the Gudenå River and Randers Fjord.
Accessibility for shipping
Despite the fact that Randers Fjord and Inderfjorden are quite shallow, Randers Harbour is accessible for even large ships. Constant dredging maintains the shipping channel, which allows ships with a draught of up to 6 metres to reach the harbour, where the channel has a channel depth of 7 metres.
Be aware of the tides
Randers Fjord experiences tides, resulting in a regular outflow and inflow, influenced by wind conditions. For information on expected tidal heights, you can follow the water level (vandstand) at www.randershavn.dk.
Explore Randers Harbour and experience a dynamic harbour that combines history, function and natural beauty in a unique way.
Go on a SUP adventure in Randers Fjord
Randers Fjord runs through Randers and is part of Randers Harbour. The fjord is not only known for canoeing and fishing, but is also a perfect place for an unforgettable SUP experience, especially around Randers Sailing Club at Toldbodgade, where the water is lowest.
Find the best SUP spots here.