Museum Silkeborg - A Journey Through Time
Museum Silkeborg's main department, Hovedgården, is located in Silkeborg's oldest building, Silkeborg Hovedgård, from 1767. Here you can meet the museum's most important people, the Tollund Man and the Elling Woman, and experience many other exciting exhibitions throughout the year, all of which provide many hours of educational and fun experiences for the whole family.
The Tollund Man
Museum Silkeborg's main attraction is Tollundmanden, the world's best-preserved bog corpse, found in 1950 in Bøllingsø bog near Silkeborg.
Read more about Tollundmanden here.
Museum Silkeborg's focus
At Hovedgården you can immerse yourself in the history of the Silkeborg region from ancient times to the present, including the history of Silkeborg Castle and the emergence of the town in the mid-1800s. The exhibition focuses on the Iron Age and the world-famous bog bodies Tollundmanden, a bog body over 2200 years old, and Ellingkvinden or Ellingpigen, a bog body from around 200 BC.
History in nature
But you can also experience history in nature. Museum Silkeborg has taken history education out into nature, where you can follow in the footsteps of the past and learn more about the history of forests and lakes and much more.
Get inspired in the video here.
Special opening days
In 2025, the museum will be open on Monday 10 February (danish winter holidays), as well as Sundays and Mondays during Easter and Pentecost. The museum will be closed for Christmas from 20 December 2025 to 5 January 2026.