Friluftsland Aarhus
Friluftsland is a leading specialty store when it comes to outdoor gear. In the Aarhus store you will find a large selection of gear and clothing for an active lifestyle outdoors. Visit the store and receive relevant guidance from the capable employees, who have great experience with the many aspects of outdoor life.
Big selection of outdoor equipment
Come and see the selection of hiking boots, pants, jackets, tents, sleeping bags, cookware, climbing gear etc. and get ready for your next outdoor adventure. Friluftsland's goal is to find the equipment that fits your needs, so you can get ready to explore the outdoors locally or when adventuring the globe.
One of Friluftsland's main philosophies is that great equipment gives better experiences. The best gear is the one that is most suitable for the trip and gives you the possibility to concentrate on the nature and the experience.
Centrally located in Aarhus
You will find Friluftsland Aarhus in Østergade, which is a side street to the main shopping street “Strøget”. The store is located right next to Salling’s parking garage.
In addition to the normal opening hours, Friluftsland is open on the 1st Sunday of the month 11 am - 3 pm. See the opening hours here.