Friland - an eco-community on Djursland
Friland is an eco-community located in Djursland, Denmark, where people experiment with designing their daily lives around sustainable living, debt-free living, and independent livelihoods. Friland is a unique community where residents strive to live in harmony with nature and each other.
The eco-village is an inspiring example of how it is possible to live sustainably and responsibly without compromising on quality of life. Everyone is welcome and you can freely visit Friland and experience what an alternative community can look like, with a focus on sustainability and independence.
Sustainable construction
See, for example, how houses are built using natural and recycled materials, including straw houses plastered with clay, grass houses insulated with wood fiber, sheep's wool, hemp and flax, and foundations made from materials such as mussel shells.
Debt-free living
Another focus is on residents achieving debt-free living and thus economic freedom. This is achieved by building and living with low costs. Friland residents cannot take out loans secured against the land or houses, and house prices are set based on a maximum to avoid speculation in value appreciation.
Livelihoods at Friland
It is also important to ensure a vibrant community, and therefore at least one person in each household must have an independent business and a home office. An additional benefit here is also avoiding transportation to and from work.
Waste and wastewater
Everything that can be reused is reused, and residents themselves are responsible for treating their own wastewater, including in facilities based on plant evaporation and biological treatment.
Visit Friland
You are always welcome to take a walk through the village on your own and look at the houses and gardens - but remember to show respect for privacy.
Friland also organizes tours, workshops and courses, and several times a year you can participate in smaller events - read more about them here.