Fladbro Kro - restaurant
Enjoy a delicious meal at Fladbro Kro, which dates all the way back to the 1700s. The inn is located idyllically in the Fladbro Forest, close to the river Gudenå and just 10 minutes from the Randers City Centre.
The inn is a roadside inn and was royally privileged back in 1739.
Food experience
The chef manages the Danish as well as the French cuisine, and inspiration is drawn from all over the world. Fresh produce is the main ingredients of the menu, which vary with the season. They use local products whenever possible, preferably organic – and lots of greenery, from the wild nature, just outside the inn.
The kitchen bakes its own bread and cakes, makes pickles, juice and smokes fish. If you visit the inn, you will experience being pampered on the taste buds and find peace & relaxation in the stunning green surroundings.