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1+1 Textil og Design

Grønnegade in Aarhus is home to this small boutique filled with the best of Danish handicrafts and design. It is the place to discover established and renowned artists as well as aspiring talents within ceramics, jewellery and textile design.

Handmade ceramics, glass, jewellery, graphic prints and illustrations

There are rich options for discovery among the fine exhibitions of handmade ceramics, glass, jewellery, graphic prints and illustrations. In addition, the boutique offers different textile designs including scarfs, cushions, table linens, bags and iPad covers, designed using new techniques and with non-traditional material compositions.

Helene Vonsild

The owner of the boutique, Helene Vonsild, is a textile designer herself, and her prize-winning collection of cushions, 1+1 Design, can also be
found here. Helene is happy to tell you about all the products in the boutique, as well as the process behind her well-known cushions and work as a weaver and designer.

A visit to the boutique is a sensational experience; filled with brilliant colours, beautiful glazes, different surfaces, structures and shapes, all collected in one location.

See more about 1+1 Textil og Design.

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