Silkeborg and the Lake District by locals
The locals know the area, the landscape, the best viewpoints and, not least, the places you shouldn't miss on your holiday. Follow in the footsteps of the locals and have a special holiday experience in Silkeborg, Denmark's Outdoor Capital, and the beautiful Lake District Søhøjlandet.
Find the best recommendations
Simon Grimstrup
Simon Grimstrup grew up in Ry, and today, he lives at Knøsgården out in the woodlands west of Himmelbjerget.
Meet Simon here ...
Simons best recommendations
Thomas Frydenlund
Thomas is a local in Silkeborg and a father of three aged 8, 6, and 2. He knows his town and the area in general quite well – from a child’s perspective, as well.
Meet Thomas here ...
Thomas' best recommendations
Roar and the Lava Carlsen Family
The Lava Carlsen family lives in Risskov on the outskirts of Aarhus and they love being close to the city, the forest, and especially the sea.
Meet the family Lava Carlsen here ...
The families' best recommendations
More local recommendations
Meet the many locals in the Aarhus Region and take a look at the many tips they have for you.