Randers by locals
The locals know the area the best - they know about the hidden places, but also the must-sees, that you cannot miss. Follow in the locals' footsteps and explore the area through their specific recommendations.
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Brian og Asser
Asser Øllgaard and Brian Rasmussen spend their working days at Randers Regnskov – a tropical zoo located in the centre of Randers, between Randers City and the river Gudenåen.
Meet Brian and Asser here...
Brian and Asser's best recommendations
Kristian Kajhøj
Kristian is one of the locals in Randers, where he has been living for the past nine years. Kristian was born and raised in Grenå, and in 2014, he moved to Randers to study to become a service economist.
Meet Kristian here ...
Randers - old market town in beautiful nature
Santa’s Guide
Nicolas Julius is none other than Santa himself, and he has been so for the past 22 years.
Meet Nicolas Julius Julemand here ...
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