Mountain biking in the Lake District in Denmark

MTB in the Lake District

Photo: Theis Kaas Pedersen

If you are into full speed ahead, MTB will be just perfect for you, as well. The Lake District has some of the best mountain bike routes in the country that will take you through the rolling and rugged forests.

Here, you can race through sudden bends, jumps, and lots of vertical metres, or choose your own pace at the beginners’ tracks.

MTB-tracks in Nordskoven
Photo: VisitSilkeborg

MTB-tracks in Nordskoven

The forest Nordskoven near Silkeborg has 3 MTB-tracks - one blue (9.4 km), one red (11.5 km) and one black (12.4 km).

MTB-track Vesterskoven
Photo: VisitSilkeborg

MTB-track Vesterskoven

In the Vesterskoven forest near Silkeborg, a 17 km long blue MTB trail has been built, which includes one of Denmark's longest blue descents for mountain bike enthusiasts.

Silkeborg BikePark
Photo: VisitSilkeborg

Silkeborg BikePark

Silkeborg BikePark is Silkeborg's MTB "playground". The park's different tracks are each marked with a color that tells you the complexity of the track.


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