Clausholm Castle
Clausholm Castle and Park is one of the most beautiful and complete Baroque monuments in Denmark. The castle was built in the 1690s by Chancellor Conrad Reventlow, and from 1718-1730 it was owned by King Frederik IV who has left his mark on buildings and the park.
Not only the beautiful surroundings were to the King's taste. He eloped with the Chancellor's daughter Anna Sophie Reventlow and crowned her his queen although he was already married. Today Clausholm Castle is residented by estate owner Kim Alexander Berner, who is the 5th generation at the castle.
Throughout the last 40 years, the castle has undergone a drastic renovation and today appear as a unique example of architecture, interior design and style in the Baroque's days of glory. Behind the thick walls a great number of exciting histories appears - and both the caste and the park are a summer trip worth.
Opening Hours
The park is open all days from May 1st to September 30th, 10 AM - 4 PM.